Ok, so I think everybody has already gotten the news but it is time to finally get back to the blog: Baby Girl is here! Isota Louise Finlaw was born Friday January 2 at 5:19 a.m. She was 7 lbs, 7 oz and 20 inches. Totally perfect and adorable and neither Joe or I can believe how in love we are with this tiny girl.
The birth story is one that is all about speed. I woke up with contractions about two minutes apart at 2:30 a.m. Friday. They weren't super strong so I stayed at home on the advice of the labor nurse. They quickly became unbearable and I got Joe up at 4:30, saying something along the lines of "We need to get to the hospital for medication NOW." Arrived at the hospital at 5 a.m., where I was promptly prodded and checked and suddenly whisked off to Delivery because that baby was coming. I distinctly remember being on the bed and thinking, "Crap, I really am not going to get any drugs for this!" But suddenly there I was pushing and about five minutes later we had a baby. It was the most surreal blur of amazing events that I will ever experience.
And then I couldn't stop laughing. The nurse said, "Someone gave her giggle juice!" I just fell instantly in love and instantly into happiness and that's pretty much where we are all still at. (Add in some fairly substantial sleeplessness too, of course...) She rules. We stare at her all day and absolutely cannot believe we did this.