My dear friend Heather V. used to have a poem about babies and all their utter sweetness (I think it was hanging in the laundry room of the Bellevue house...right, Heather?) and I can't remember all the words anymore but I do remember the end: something about not wanting to be disturbed because "I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep." And I just so feel those words lately. I am so painfully, acutely aware of how precious and fleeting this time is right now. Sody is almost three months old and I already feel like she has gotten to be such a big girl. Not like she is ready to march off to college or anything...but just the little things like growing out of her newborn outfits or moving up a size in diapers are a teensy bit sad because it's a reminder how babies are only babies for such a short time. I know that it's all just going to get better and better and she is going to get more and more fun because I have seen this firsthand with all the kids I have taken care of over the years. It is just awesome to watch them grow into these amazing little people, and of course I can't wait to see that with Sody as well. But the present with her is just SO sweet right now. Watching her figuring out her hands, making the most absurd slurping sounds while she sucks on her fingers, smiling back when you smile, just being so happy to see you, laughing at her own image in a goes on and on. She is delicious and fun and adorable and chubby and so happy and making us so happy and it's going by fast. Babies are awesome. Especially ours!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
This post is going to be so emo
My dear friend Heather V. used to have a poem about babies and all their utter sweetness (I think it was hanging in the laundry room of the Bellevue house...right, Heather?) and I can't remember all the words anymore but I do remember the end: something about not wanting to be disturbed because "I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep." And I just so feel those words lately. I am so painfully, acutely aware of how precious and fleeting this time is right now. Sody is almost three months old and I already feel like she has gotten to be such a big girl. Not like she is ready to march off to college or anything...but just the little things like growing out of her newborn outfits or moving up a size in diapers are a teensy bit sad because it's a reminder how babies are only babies for such a short time. I know that it's all just going to get better and better and she is going to get more and more fun because I have seen this firsthand with all the kids I have taken care of over the years. It is just awesome to watch them grow into these amazing little people, and of course I can't wait to see that with Sody as well. But the present with her is just SO sweet right now. Watching her figuring out her hands, making the most absurd slurping sounds while she sucks on her fingers, smiling back when you smile, just being so happy to see you, laughing at her own image in a goes on and on. She is delicious and fun and adorable and chubby and so happy and making us so happy and it's going by fast. Babies are awesome. Especially ours!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Sorry for the long delay in posts, people...but we are moved! I am now writing this from good ol' Sacto, amidst more than just a few boxes. It was definitely a challenging move this time around but if you are lucky like me you have: a) a saint of a husband who takes on most of the work - including multiple trips back and forth to Oakland to get all our stuff, b) an amazing baby who seems pretty content to just chill out all day, watching her parents pack and clean and unpack again, and c) great parents who not only let you store stuff at their house but also let you crash there for almost a week because your own place is too messy to live in! But it is finally (mostly) done and the new place is shaping up.
Now we are dealing with some sleep issues with Sody. i.e. she is not really sleeping as well as she did - not wanting to be in her bassinet, up more during the night, etc. I don't know if the move messed her up or what, but I guess we all have new things to get used to now. Or this is just the fun of having a baby: once you get into a nice routine, they change it all on you. Any moms out there with tips for us - just yell!
Also, this post is dedicated to Lucky, my parents dog who is up in Doggie Heaven now. He was a great dog who had a great long life and we are all going to miss him terribly. This is one of my favorite pictures ever - my dad and Lucky about to head out for one of their daily walks.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
First Shots!!
Waaaaaah! Sody got her first vaccinations yesterday at the pediatrician's: two in one fat little baby thigh and one more in the other. She didn't like it much but recovered much more quickly than her mother. She isn't much of a crier so it makes it just that much more startling to hear her howling out in pain with that look on her face like, "WHY are you letting them do this to me??"
Monday, March 2, 2009
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