On a similar note, I also managed to forget to bring diapers to brunch. DIAPERS! The one essential element to the diaper bag! So essential they named the diaper bag after it! Unbelievable. Normally it wouldn't be that big of a deal but of course the day I forget to bring diapers is the day Sody has a major blowout that leaks through her cute pink panties that match her cute little Father's Day sundress. Ick, I know. Luckily my mom saved the day by rushing to the store in the middle of the meal and all was well again.
Lastly, Baby Sody Headquarters is headed out on a summer break to go visit Joe's family in New Jersey. Baby's first plane trip! Wish us (and the other passengers) luck. We won't be updating this while we are gone but I promise lots of pictures from the East Coast when we get back. Here are some recent pics of Miss Cutie-Patoots to tide you over while we are gone. Happy summer, y'all!