Isota's eating habits have been one area of child rearing in which I have been particularly anxious. Not that she has given me any reason to be...just that, even before I had a kid, I have always been a little worried about getting a picky eater. Food looms so large in my life (shopping for it, reading about it, thinking about it, cooking it and of course eating it, duh) that I would definitely be a little sad if my child only wanted the classic "kid foods" like chicken nuggets or turned up her nose at vegetables. Apparently I was the sort of freak child who cheered when she could have seconds on spinach, and I would love love love if Isota could be like that too. I strive to make fresh fruits and veggies and whole, real foods part of her everyday diet so things like seeing green vegetables is just a normal habit.
Now, I realize Isota is still new to the whole eating thing - and of course she is going to change and what applies now may not apply next month or even tomorrow - but so far she is an amazing and fearless eater. Last week's dinners included things like salmon patties (salmon, mashed potatoes, egg yolk), pasta with my very chunky homemade tomato sauce (mushrooms, carrots, olives, celery, onions), chicken, garlic bread, beets, and brussel sprouts. She tries and seems to like everything. And I am not kidding - she cheers when she sees me get out the green beans or especially broccoli. The girl LOVES broccoli. I hope she hangs on to that feeling her whole life.
The last picture here is an apple she grabbed out of my bag and went to town on. Her little teeth were working so hard!

p.s. hi doobs! how is berkeley today?