Monday, June 25, 2012

Vote for Sody Lou

We entered Sody in a photo contest.  She is about ten thousand light years behind the kid in first place, but let's try and turn it around...Go here to cast your vote:

Voting ends 7/1. 

I shouldn't tell you that I have been sitting here checking out the competition on the Parents site and finding that absolutely no kid there holds a candle to mine... but, uh, well...I really can't help it if I gave birth to THE CUTEST child that ever lived, right?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Auntie Beth Comes to Visit

Oh, what can I say about Auntie Beth? Beth is my best friend. Beth lives too far away in Washington. Beth is the one who I was randomly paired with to share a dorm room when I started college, and here we are nearly 18 years later. (Yes, it pains me to think I started college almost 20 years ago, but I shall save that for another woe-is-me-and-my-old-ass day...) Beth is the yin to my yang. Where I am an annoyingly talkative and hyper open book, Beth is an oasis of calm. A gorgeous, kind, generous, amazing listener who is a bit of an enigma. (That was for you, Beth - you can kill me later.) Also, she is the one who started this blog for us right before Sody was born, so you can go ahead and blame/thank her for all these silly and increasingly rare updates.

At any rate, it had been about a year and half since I had last seen my Beth, which is far too long in best friend world. So she made an impromptu and much needed visit down here to stay for a few days, and it was the best medicine in the world. I'm not sure she was quite prepared for the bundle of energy that is Sody at age 3 (the constant barrage of questions/fact sharing that Sody started the second we picked her up at the airport brought on one of my favorite Beth quotes of the trip: "Wow, you DO take after your Mommy!") but she rolled with it. We had adventures. We ate a lot.  We tried to convince her to move here.

some dorks taking pictures in the Chez Panisse bathroom

We didn't have enough time!!