Another doc visit yesterday, went great. Isota is in the 81st percentile for weight, 76th percentile for height, and 82nd percentile for head size. All of which means she is doing wonderfully and we have ourselves a big baby. I should have known that from all the comments I get from strangers when they find out how old she is: "Wow, she's BIG for four months!" I somehow find it in me to refrain from responding, "Yes, we spike her protein shakes with steroids..."
Weather is getting warmer here so I got Sody her first swimsuit. Actually, I got three. A little overboard, yes, but teeny swimsuits have to be the cutest of all the teeny baby clothes out there. (Plus, I ended up returning one.) Here she is, doing her first and hopefully only swimsuit modeling. There is a bikini too but we haven't tried it on yet. But I know her chubster belly is gonna look awesome in it. She should live it up - the only time in one's life when a potbelly is so adorable!
Very cute!! 4th of July is always a pool party, so I can't wait to get Max in some swim trunks. I will admit, the swim suits for girls are cuter and more fun, but there are some cute trunks for boys too. I already bought the swim diapers for him. Make sure you post a pic of the bikini!! Max has got a cute chubby belly going on too. His next appointment is in 13 days. I am eager to see his measurements and weight!!