Oh my, it has been a while. Apologies for the loooong delay, we were in New Jersey for our two week summer vacation. It was especially busy this trip, with Joe's youngest brother graduating high school (WAY TO GO, CORRRRRRRY!) and a huge graduation party at the house and a side trip to the shore for a few days. As per usual, a great time. Made even better now that Sody is a little bit older and a busy little energetic chatterbox. She knows everyone so well now (and believe me, there are a *lot* of people and friends and relatives to know there) and gets to fully explore all the nooks and crannies of the house and huge backyard of the house Joe grew up in. Every morning it was, "Where's Pop Pop?" as soon as she woke up. And every day it was a struggle to get her to come back inside. The girl just wants to be running around in grass outside at all times. Or in a pool. Or at the beach. Or splashing in the ocean. We seem to have an outdoorsy little lass on our hands. The best thing was watching her discover her first lightning bugs at dusk...simple and magical and worth letting her stay up past bedtime to catch 'em.
She had some other Firsts on this trip: Devil Dog, Pop Tarts, Capri Suns, Kraft Mac and Cheese, a Happy Meal from McDonald's...I could go on. Believe me, she LOVED the food. I think it has been a rude awakening to come home to the whole wheat and dried fruit that I serve up. She keeps asking for snacks and it is a challenge to try and convince her "peas ARE a snack, Sody!!"
I don't have any of my trip pics uploaded yet...so here is an oldie but goodie to tide you over til I do:

Next up: New Jersey pictures! I promise!
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