First up:
I took Sody to a cupcake shop in Berkeley for their kiddo storytime. We had time to kill beforehand so we headed up to the Goodwill up the street and Sody found a pair of hot pink jelly sandals that she fell in love with and insisted on wearing immediately. Can you get some gross foot disease from someone else's jelly shoes that haven't been properly cleaned yet? I am really hoping not. So far, all of Sody's toes are still attached. Anyway, we went to the storytime hour and ate mini cupcakes (a "Molly Ringwald" cake - pink, pink, and more pink) and drew pictures and listened to the stories. Then Sody spontaneously started singing songs from "The Sound of Music" to the lady who read stories (I am telling you, the girl is obsessed with that movie) and then we left.
She fell asleep on the way home. This is a rarity these days.
Then we headed out to a birthday party for our good friends' one year old daughter. There was a pinata and since most of the other kids had already left, Sody got to take a lot of cracks at this thing. There was a LOT of candy. Sody's sugar high kept on truckin'.
Here you can see her eyes glazing over a little bit and the tireds hitting. The combo of sugar crash and a half hour nap leads to this look.
You know what perks her back up? Cake and ice cream! Fingers crossed that Mother of the Year award will not be judged upon the insane sugary menu I served up to my child today. Or the fact that there is a can of Bud next to her in this shot. Sigh.
I love these pictures. She is so super cute and I miss those cheeks.